Are Train Air Horns Legal For Use In Autos?? That is the question Assured Automotive Company is asked many times each day by potential customers.
As to date there is no Federal U.S. Law in the books making possession of a 152+db Train style air horn on a highway used vehicle illegal. Although many local ordinances do have excessive noise laws. Most ordinances have this law effective after sunset.
If an individual uses a train air horn recklessly, that same individual may be harassed by law enforcement officers. Assured Performance Air Horns can be up to 152db loud!! That kind of power can literally shake the ground. That kind of power can also startle a person and will spike their heart rate.
It is great entertainment for many to shock sidewalk users by blowing the BEHEMOTH Train Air Horns and watching them jump out of their skin. However, common sense needs to be used when doing this and it is NOT recommended by Assured Automotive Company. There has been rumors floating around the web of terrible situations with pedestrians and air horns. Stories of bicycle riders darting out into traffic after being blasted by one of the massive Train or Truck Air Horns.
These Air Horns can make your vehicle a safer place when driving down the road. You can make fellow highway users aware of your presence. They even will help when wildlife is in the middle of the road you are traveling. The sound of one of these horns usually will send the wild animal scampering off the road.
Assured automotive Company does ask all drivers of vehicle equipped with a Train or Truck Air Horn to use them responsibly and respect others around them.